
Cool Offices Featuring Indoor Plants

Think garden italy

Whether you are planning on redesigning your office or just want to imagine what life would be like working in an vibrant office environment, it’s always cathartic to look at pictures of cool offices from across the globe.For all their differences, one common feature of these cool offices is that…

What Happens to Your Plants over the Christmas Break

Rojo Congo It’s almost that time of year again. The office Christmas tree is sparkling in the corner, Secret Santa names have been allocated and the staff Christmas party has been inscribed into the calendar. But for all of the excitement that comes with preparing for the end of the…

5 Simple Ways to Style Your Workspace with Office Planter Boxes

Have an empty corridor in your office or a stairwell that’s not living up to its potential? Then it’s time to introduce new creative energy to your office in the form of a stylish planter box. A planter box is a container that displays live plants either indoors or outdoors.…

Why Getting New Office Plants Should be on Your End-Of-Year To-Do List

The end of the year is rapidly approaching, and with it comes an endless list of office tasks - arranging holiday leave, organising Christmas parties and Secret Santas, completing onboarding for the new year and much, much more. For all of the fun that comes with a good office Christmas…

4 Easy Ways to Embrace More Nurturing Nature in Daily Life

Humans are fundamentally connected to nature, but this natural connection can sometimes be hard to seek out in the modern world. Luckily, even small and regular β€˜doses’ of nature can provide profound advantages for our happiness, creativity, stress relief – and even our generosity! Here are four really simple ways to…

A Journey Around the World

Journey Around the World in 6 Popular Indoor Plants Philodendron Birkin Adding new stamps to your passport opens up an endless amount of opportunities to discover new things - cuisine, fashion, architecture, language and, of course, plants. No matter whether you’re exploring the crumbling ruins of Machu Picchu or the…

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