
How Office Plant Fit Outs & Staging Can Help Your Business

Have you ever noticed that almost all photos of staged rooms have plants? Well, that's no accident. Plants add depth and comfort to a space, making it feel more welcoming and inviting. And when it comes to showcasing a business space, you want to make sure that developers, potential tenants,…

Our 5 Favourite Indoor Plants For Low Light Environments

Are you tired of feeling like you can't have plants in your home or office because of low light conditions?  If so, you'll be glad to know that there are a variety of plants that can thrive in low light environments, making it possible for you to enjoy the benefits…

Top 6 Allergy-Friendly Indoor Plants

As the seasons change, many of us are prone to experiencing various allergies, and indoor plants can sometimes exacerbate these symptoms. However, there are numerous low allergy plants that can help improve indoor air quality, reduce allergens and create a healthy living space. In this article, we will be discussing…

Our Favourite Plants – the Happy Plant

Meet the Dracaena Massangeana, commonly known as the Happy Plant. This foliage plant, native to Sub-Saharan Africa, is renowned for its striking appearance - think bold green and yellow stripes perched atop tall cane-like stems. With the power to transform any room into a subtropical paradise, Happy Plants make a…

Best Indoor Plants for Stress Relief in the Workplace

Feeling overwhelmed at work? We've all been there! But did you know that adding a touch of greenery to your workspace can help you feel more relaxed and productive?  Indoor plants for relaxation are not only visually pleasing but also have been scientifically proven to be some of the best…

Why Vertical Gardens and Garden Walls Are So Beneficial For Your Office

If you’re looking to (literally) elevate your plant game and give your space a green boost, then an indoor vertical garden is the perfect solution. Vertical gardens are essentially suspended panels that can be mounted on walls or freestanding structures, using a water flow system to grow plants in an…