Our 5 Favourite Indoor Plants For Low Light Environments

Are you tired of feeling like you can’t have plants in your home or office because of low light conditions? 

If so, you’ll be glad to know that there are a variety of plants that can thrive in low light environments, making it possible for you to enjoy the benefits of indoor plants even if you don’t have access to bright, sunny windows. 

Whether you’re a beginner plant parent or a seasoned pro, these are some of the best low light indoor plants in Australia that are sure to add some greenery and life to your space.

1. Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)

If you’re on the hunt for a low light indoor plant that can withstand the darker corners of your office, look no further than the Snake Plant. Also known as Mother-in-Law’s Tongue, this hardy plant is a great option for workplaces with limited natural light, as it can thrive in low light environments and doesn’t require much maintenance. Plus, its striking, vertical leaves and variegated patterns make it a stylish addition to any workspace.

But that’s not all – Snake Plants are also known for their air-purifying qualities, removing toxins such as formaldehyde and benzene from the air, making these low light plants a great choice for improving indoor air quality.

2. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum wallisii)

Spathiphyllum bowl breakout office space

When it comes to good indoor plants for low light environments, you can’t go wrong with a Peace Lily. These elegant commercial office plants feature glossy green leaves and white, spoon-shaped flowers that bloom throughout the year, adding a touch of serenity to any workspace. To care for your Peace Lily in a low light environment, it’s important to place it near a window, but not in direct sunlight. As one of the best indoor plants for low light conditions, they will also tolerate fluorescent lights, making them a popular choice for office settings that have limited options for indoor plant care.

As for watering, Peace Lilies prefer moist but not waterlogged soil, so be sure to allow the soil to dry slightly before watering. You can also mist the leaves with water to increase humidity levels, which will help keep your plant healthy and happy.

3. Zanzibar Gem (Zamioculcas zamifolia)

With its glossy, dark green foliage and upright growth habit, this hardy plant adds a touch of sophistication to any office setting. Zanzibar Gems are incredibly resilient and can tolerate a wide range of light levels, including low light, making them perfect for those dimly lit meeting rooms in your workspace. In fact, they can even thrive in artificial light, so you don’t have to worry about finding a sunny spot for them.

When it comes to watering, Zanzibar Gems prefer to dry out slightly between waterings and can handle a bit of neglect, making them an ideal choice for busy office environments. Just be sure not to overwater them, as too much moisture can lead to root rot.

4. Chinese Evergreen (Aglaoema)

Chinese Evergreens are another popular plant for low lit offices, thanks to their tolerance for low light and their striking foliage. These vibrant plants come in a variety of colours and patterns, from silver and green to shades of pink and red, making them a great choice for brightening up even the dullest of workspaces.

To care for your Chinese Evergreen in a low light environment, be sure to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged, and avoid exposing them to cold drafts or direct sunlight. These plants are relatively low maintenance and can even tolerate a bit of neglect, making them perfect for busy offices.

5. Pothos (Devil’s Ivy) (Epipremnum aureum)

Pothos Trailing showroom display

Pothos, also known as Devil’s Ivy, is an incredibly versatile plant that is well-suited for low light environments. With their cascading vines and heart-shaped leaves, these plants are both beautiful and functional, adding a touch of natural beauty to your office decor.

Pothos are also known for their air-purifying properties, making them a great choice for improving indoor air quality. These plants are relatively easy to care for and can thrive in a wide range of lighting conditions, from low light to bright, indirect light. In fact, they can even tolerate fluorescent lighting, making them a popular choice for offices with artificial lighting.

To care for your Pothos in a low light environment, be sure to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged, and avoid exposing them to direct sunlight.

If you’re ready to bring some life and vibrancy to your low lit office, consider indoor plant hire and maintenance services from The Plant Man. Our team of experts can help you choose the perfect indoor plants for low light spaces, taking into consideration your natural lighting, humidity, and maintenance needs. 

Contact us today to learn more about our indoor plant hire and maintenance services and take the first step towards a greener, healthier workspace.

Download our free guide today.

Find out just how easy it can be to keep your office plants happy and healthy.

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