Office plants: Why hiring plants is smarter than buying

Congratulations on your decision to introduce plants to your office! You’ve taken the first step towards creating a more vibrant, healthy and beautiful working environment. Now that you’ve made this choice, this next step is to think about whether you want to buy or hire plants for your office space. There are benefits and disadvantages to both options, and it is important to consider the long-term effort required in each.

Multi Planted Tambour Planter Units

Choosing the plants

Buying your own plants

The main advantage of buying the plants yourself is that you have complete control over the process. This includes sourcing vendors, researching what plants will thrive in your office space, and picking the ideal mulch, soil, fertiliser and planter options.

Hiring plants

Casual Non Corporate Look

If you choose to hire plants, a dedicated specialist will do this all for you. Many people are not plant experts and don’t have the time to research what specific plant types will do best in particular office spaces. A plant hire specialist will assist with choosing the plants that are right for you and help with the design and indoor plantscaping of your office, taking into account how the plants will fit into the overall style and layout of the space.

Delivery and Installing the plants

Structured Planter Boxes with Lush Greenery

Buying your own plants

Once you have chosen the plants, you’ll need to find a way to transport them to your office. While some nursery gardens will offer transportation, others will require you to hire your own van. Some of the fun is that you get to choose where your plants will go but be aware that you will need to consider where your plants will flourish the best.

Hiring plants

If you have gone with a plant hire specialist, this part is easy. They will do the delivery and installation for you and, in addition to physically placing the plants, they will consider how elements like temperature, humidity, light and air quality will affect the ongoing growth of your plant.

Formal Ficus Lyrata in Wedge Shaped Container

Maintaining and caring for your plants

Buying your own plants

Once your plants have been chosen and placed, now comes the most challenging part – caring for them and making sure they grow and stay healthy! If you do not have a dedicated green thumb in your office, you will need to ensure that your staff know how to care for the plants and carry out tasks such as watering, pruning, cleaning, pest control, and potentially finding replacement plants. You will also need to set up your very own schedule of watering and cleaning so that the plants continue to thrive. Simply put, although it may require additional time and effort, it’s worth training up your staff in plant management – this includes accounting for backup staff if the individual leaves the company or is on annual leave.

Outdoor Planting Options to soften the space

Hiring plants

If you have hired your plants, you can sit back and relax because your plant specialist will take care of all the maintenance! They will regularly water and feed your plants, polishing and pruning the leaves so that your plants look happy, healthy and green. If anything does go wrong, your indoor plant company can also handle all aspects of the plant and pot replacement without you having to lift a finger.

There’s nothing quite like a bright and colourful workspace, filled with gorgeous plants and greenery. Not only do they look great, but indoor plants purify the air, are allergy-friendly, and can help to section and office space. To find out more about the advantages of indoor plant hire, get in touch with our team today!

Download our free guide today.

Find out just how easy it can be to keep your office plants happy and healthy.

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