Archive for the ‘Latest News and Information’ Category:

The Zanzibar Plant – It’s One Of Our Favourites For Good Reason!

The Zanzibar plant, also known as the Zanzibar Gem or ZZ plant, with its towering green stems (sometimes gently arched with splashes of yellow and white) and a foliage complexion that’s waxy smooth, has certainly made quite the impression. Originating in the wilds of east Africa, Zanzibar plants are not…

Cleaning Plant Leaves – Why You Should Do It

Indoor plants are a fantastic way to brighten up any office space, but they can get dusty too which is why we need to show them a bit of love by regularly cleaning the leaves on our plants. From gorgeous living green walls to stylish planters to ornamental outdoor plants,…

What are the benefits of having plants in the office?

If you’ve decided to give your office a bit of a revamp, you may have considered painting the walls a different colour, investing in some ergonomic office furniture, and putting some inspiring artwork on display. But have you thought about bringing some of the outdoors indoors with some indoor plants…

How Plants Improve Office Productivity & Creativity

When it comes to work, where productivity and creativity can make or break our success, the overall ambiance of our office environment can play a pivotal role in shaping our working lives. A workplace that buzzes with vibrancy and colour wards off the dullness of routine, inciting creativity and fresh…

How Plants Can Absorb & Block Sound In Your Office

It can be tricky to concentrate in the office when you’re surrounded by the clatter of keyboards and the hum of conversations.  Luckily, plants offer a natural solution to this too-common problem. Beyond their visual appeal, plants have a unique ability to absorb and block sound, making them not just…

How Your Workplace Can Look Sustainable and Stylish With These 5 Green Office Design Trends

Indoor plants have emerged as a key sustainable trend for offices looking to align their practices with global efforts to counteract climate change. The benefits of having plants in the office extend far beyond just their vibrant green looks; they actually play a crucial role in promoting environmental responsibility and…

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