Humans are fundamentally connected to nature, but this natural connection can sometimes be hard to seek out in the modern world. Luckily, even small and regular ‘doses’ of nature can provide profound advantages for our happiness, creativity, stress relief – and even our generosity! Here are four really simple ways to drench yourself in nature and enjoy those nurturing benefits, each and every day.

Treat yourself to regular nature walks
A regular walk around the neighbourhood could be one of the most beneficial ways to spend 20-30 minutes each day. That’s because spending at least 120 minutes a week in and amongst nature is associated with good health and wellbeing. So:
- Venture out and smell your neighbour’s roses over the fence
- Soak up the greenery of all those luscious outdoor garden plants, and
- Seek out your closest river, creek or beach for soothing natural moments.
The true importance of plants to humans may not be fully measurable, but science is showing regular immersions in nature can be incredibly beneficial for us all.

Create a garden at home
It doesn’t matter if you live on 25 acres or in a small apartment; it can be so easy to create your own at-home garden. This might take the form of an indoor herb garden in your kitchen with rosemary, thyme, basil and mint. It could be a cluster of low maintenance garden plants along your verge, air plants in your bathroom, or it might be an extensive vegetable garden producing fresh produce year-round.
In any case you’ll have the chance to learn about plant and soil types, make friends at your local plant nursery and gain all those wonderful benefits of planting outdoor plants and natural indoor plants.
Open the windows wide
Whenever you’re able to, throw open those windows and breathe in that beautiful fresh air. Why? Nature and plants’ impact can be more powerful than you might think.

Natural light during the day can improve our sleep patterns and sleep quality, which in turn supports our general health. And good air quality in an office can even provide an 8-11% increase in productivity. Keeping your windows open allows you to benefit from the natural resources and plants right outside, so consider setting up a bird feeder or simply experience how the natural light changes through the day.

Bring plants into the office
Whether you’re working from home or from an inner-city office, the benefits of air purifying plants in the workplace are clear. Studies have shown employees can work faster, more productively and even have less sick leave when there are real plants throughout the office. You could add some natural pot plants, trail some beautiful vines from up high or consider vertical garden plants in Australia for a green wall garden.
Check out this article we wrote for some great options when it comes to natural air purifier indoor plants, and if you’d like to speak about plant supply and maintenance for your offices in Sydney – get in touch!